Reliably Secure Software Systems (RS3) –
DFG Priority Programme 1496
2017, | October 31: | End of RS3 |
September 4–6: | Final Event in Darmstadt | |
March 27–29: | Topic Workshop: "A Machine-Readable Library of Information-Flow Case Studies" in Darmstadt | |
2016, | August 1–3: | Topic Workshop: "Developing a Consolidated Example Library of RIFL Specifications" in Karlsruhe |
June 20–22: | Topic Workshop: "Declassification in RIFL" in Darmstadt | |
June 7–8: | Practitioner Event in Darmstadt | |
April 14–16: | Topic Workshop: "Client-Server Integration in Web-Based Workflow Management Systems" in Darmstadt | |
April 11–14: | Topic Workshop: "More Precise Classification of Sources and Sinks in RIFL" in Darmstadt | |
February 25–26: | Topic Workshop: "Open-Source Apps in the RS3 Certifying App Store" in Königsfeld | |
February 22–24: | Staff Meeting 2016 in Königsfeld | |
2015, | November 23–25: | Topic Workshop: "Extending RIFL" in Darmstadt |
October 5–8: | Annual Meeting 2015 in Bremen | |
May 6–8: | Topic Workshop: "Executable Specification and Code Generation with Isabelle/HOL" in Munich | |
April 27–28: | Topic Workshop: "Development of a Demonstrator for the RS3 Certifying App Store" in Darmstadt | |
February 23–25: | Staff Meeting 2015 in Freudenstadt-Lauterbad | |
2014, | October 7–10: | Annual Meeting 2014 in Trier |
October 1: | Start of 3rd funding period of RS3 | |
July 28–29: | Topic Workshop: "Security in-the-Large" in Darmstadt | |
May 26–27: | Topic Workshop: "Tool Integration in the RS3 Certifying App Store" in Darmstadt | |
April 1: | Deadline for submitting interim reports and new proposals for 3rd funding period of RS3 | |
February 3–4: | Topic Workshop: "Formal Verification of Information Flow Properties of Web-Based Workflow Management Systems" in Munich | |
January 13–15: | Staff Meeting 2014 in Bad Münster am Stein | |
2013, | December 20: | Call for proposals for 3rd funding period of RS3 (not available online anymore) |
December 18: | Topic Workshop: "Online and Offline Monitoring for Secure Usage" in Darmstadt | |
October 7–10: | Annual Meeting 2013 in Saarbrücken | |
September 3–6: | Tutorial on Usage Control, Authorization and Software Engineering for Security | |
February 25–27: | Staff Meeting 2013 in Annweiler | |
February 19–20: | Topic Workshop: "Information Flow in Object-Oriented Systems" in Darmstadt | |
2012, | October 9–12: | Annual Meeting 2012 in München |
October 1: | Start of 2nd funding period of RS3 | |
September 3–6: | Tutorial on Program Analysis and Verification | |
June 18: | Topic Workshop: "Concurrent Noninterference" in Darmstadt | |
April 1: | Deadline for submitting interim reports and new proposals for 2nd funding period of RS3 | |
March 14–15: | Topic Workshop: "Security in Business Processes" in Dortmund | |
March 1–2: | Topic Workshop: "Information Flow and Security in Sequential Applications" in Munich | |
January 16-18: | Staff Meeting 2012 in Höchst im Odenwald | |
2011, | December 21: | Call for proposals for 2nd funding period of RS3 (not available online anymore) |
November 21: | Topic Workshop: "E-Voting and Information Flow" in Karlsruhe | |
November 3–4: | Topic Workshop: "Information Flow Control for Mobile Devices" in Darmstadt | |
October 10–13: | Tutorial on Information Flow Security and Verification Tools | |
September 26–29: | Annual Meeting 2011 in Karlsruhe | |
May 12–13: | Topic Workshop: "Security Properties in Security Engineering" in Augsburg | |
February 21–24: | Kick-Off Meeting in Darmstadt | |
2010, | October 1: | Start of 1st funding period of RS3 |